Dear Employee:
On behalf of the Judges, 莫哈维县6686皇冠最新登陆的部门负责人和工作人员, 请接受我的热烈欢迎,并祝你成为我们敬业、积极的专业团队的一员.
6686皇冠最新登陆是亚利桑那州具有一般管辖权的初审法院. Superior Court Judges hear all types of cases including; felony, misdemeanor, civil, domestic relations, juvenile, probate, guardianship, 精神健康和其他事项. 莫哈韦县的6686皇冠最新登陆由六(6)个编号的司法部门组成, 各由一名选出的6686皇冠最新登陆法官领导, 两名委任的法院专员. In addition to these Courts, 莫哈维县6686皇冠最新登陆设有6686皇冠最新登陆书记员办公室, 成人及青少年感化部(包括青少年拘留处), 及6686皇冠最新登陆行政. 6686皇冠最新登陆行政部门由法院行政官办公室组成, Court Security, Court Technology Services, Human Resources, Law Library, Conciliation Court, Juvenile Drug Court, CASA(法院指定特别辩护律师)计划, 及法庭小组婴幼儿心理健康(0 - 5岁). 6686皇冠最新登陆在牛头市、金曼和哈瓦苏湖市设有设施. 主审法官通过选举和任命的部门负责人监督和管理6686皇冠最新登陆,并监督县内的司法和市法院.
The mission of Courts of Mohave County is to uphold the laws of the land; to resolve disputes and legal matters and to serve the public in a fair, timely, 一贯的专业态度. 我们的目标是提供最优质的司法服务,并力求做到精益求精:1)公平公正, accessible and responsive to the needs of the community; 2) Providing innovative, collaborative and technologically advanced service to the court’s users and partners; 3) Maintaining motivated, competent, and professional judges and staff; and 4) Acquiring safe, 设施和工作环境的功能和质量.
我们努力提供一个有利于个人和职业发展的工作环境. 我们很高兴您被选中加入我们的专业团队,并期待着一个互利的协会.
Honorable Steven C. Moss
Presiding Judge
Listed below are the Policies & 莫哈维县高级法院工作场所的程序和绩效规则. 员工有责任熟悉这些政策, 影响他们就业的程序和规则. The policies, 程序和规则在每条政策或规则顶部注明的日期生效. 随着时间的推移,主审法官可批准对政策、程序和规则的修改. 员工将通过员工通讯了解变化, by administrative order, memorandum or other means. 如有疑问,请直接向6686皇冠最新登陆人力资源部提出,地址是 (928)718-4928.
Policies / Procedures
- Employment
1.03 Drug Free Workplace
1.07 Reduction in Force
1.绩效计划与评估 - Safety and Security
2.01 Workplace Violence
2.03 Weapons in the Courts
Emergency Paid Sick Leave
6686皇冠最新登陆专利商标局预先请求 - Conditions of Employment
- Court Operations
4.02 Volunteer / Intern Policy
4.03 Language Access Plan (LAP)
-Telecommuting Agreement
-2023 Employment Posters - Information Technology
AOC, 司法道德谘询委员会意见14-01, 法官和司法人员对社会和电子媒体的使用 - 继续教育及培训(COJET)
- Compensation
7.1 Classification System
7.2 Compensation Program
7.3 Overtime (OT)
7.4 Call Back Pay
7.5 On-Call Pay
7.6 Holidays
7.7 Workers' Compensation
7.8 .雇佣终止后的支付 - 考勤和请假
8.1 Paid Time Off (PTO) Leave
8.3 Bereavement
8.4 Military Leave
8.5 .无薪休假
8.7 Civic Duty Leave
8.8 Victim's Leave
8.9 Management Leave
Judicial Merit System Rules
- General
101. Definitions
102. General Provisions
103. Applicability
104. Merit System Administration
105. Personnel Records and Reports
106. Non-Discrimination
107. Recycling
108. Smoking - Employment
202. Recruitment
203. Applications
204. Examinations
205. Registers
206. 认证和资格的选择
207. Appointments
208. 晋升、自愿降职、调职、调任、重新任命和调任
209. Probationary Period - Conditions of Employment
501. Conduct
503. Other Employment
504. Attendance
506. Medical Evaluation Program
508. Polygraph
509. 教育、培训和必修教育学分
510. 设备和车辆的使用
511. Business Travel Expenses - Grievance System
601. General
602. General Grievances
603. 因涉嫌歧视、解雇、降职和无薪停职而提出的上诉 - Corrective Actions
- Separations
Additional Judicial Policies
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